Alien Isolation

Title Screen
One of the many puzzles
One of the scariest parts of the game
Hello again my beautiful viewers today i'm going to be talking about Alien Isolation. This was one of the greatest games when it came out and still is. Its a survival horror game were you play as Amanda Ripley daughter of Ellen Ripley if you've seen the movies. your mother has been missing and you board a ship she might be on, but you don't know that a great treat is hunting you. Throughout the game you have to manage your resources if you run out the game will be a lot harder. When you first board the ship you only find other humans and androids. But when you get deep into the ship you find the alien or he finds you. You can use anything to survive use noise makers a gun a flame thrower but you cant kill the alien. This makes the game a lot better because you know that you can scare it but it will come back. Not only that but as you progress through the game the alien becomes smarter. For an example if you keep throwing flares to distract the alien after a few encounters it will know not to go after them. Not only do you have to deal with all the enemies but you also have to solve many puzzles. You would solve these puzzles to open doors and get more items to help you on your journey. There are a lot of different aspects to the game such as the air vents. they provide safety for you but also danger. You and the alien can enter the air vents so well you can hide in them the alien also has access to them even more then you do allowing it to sneak up on you.
