In today's vlog we're going to talk about the categories of games. This first image is a horror game if you couldn't tell. i'm going to talk about why these categories are important in the gaming industry. horror games are my favorite type of games or one of them but it's really a hit or mis. If you get it right the atmosphere the sounds the lights it's amazing but if you dont its stupid. Before games like silent hill and resident evil there weren't any horror games. All the games were just platformers and puzzle games which we'll talk about later. Horror was a refreshing take on video games. After horror became a video game genre many games would be different many non horror games took inspiration from horror games. If you haven't played a horror game i recommend it.
This next category is platforming games. befor horror,puzzle,shooting,and most other genres there were platforming games. Now it's kind of obvious why this is important because it was one of the first types of games. Mario was one of the first games and without it we wouldn't have video games.
This is a picture of a rpg game. i know a lot of people don't think there that important but without them we wouldn't have the stories in video games we have today. rpgs or Role Play Games are one of if not the first type of game to have a complex story in the game. Games befor this genre if they had a story it was explained in the pamphlet they give you when you buy it. So without this we would probably not have the great stories we have today.
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